Sustainability is required!
The importance of sustainability for companies is constantly growing – especially in a world that is increasingly relying on digitization. Companies in Switzerland and worldwide are taking measures to reduce their ecological footprint and promote the use of sustainable technologies. Numerous examples provide inspiration on how switching to digital solutions not only protects the environment but also brings economic benefits. 
Sustainability and paper consumption in companies 
One particularly impressive example of sustainable business practice is reducing paper consumption. In Switzerland alone, 936 tons of paper are used every year, which has a massive impact on the environment. To produce this amount, 47,127,600 liters of water are used, which corresponds to about 188,510 full bathtubs. The wood consumption is 2,016,144 kg, which means that 16,129 trees have to be felled. In addition, paper production requires 12,168,000 kWh of energy – enough to cover the annual electricity needs of 3,042 Swiss households. 
Future prospects for sustainable companies 
ISO certification is particularly important for companies that want to professionalize their sustainability strategy. ISO 14001 helps to establish an effective environmental management system, while ISO 50001 helps to optimize energy consumption and reduce CO₂ emissions. In addition, ISO 26000 provides guidelines on social responsibility that combine social and environmental aspects. These internationally recognized standards help companies to systematically improve their environmental performance while complying with legal requirements – a clear advantage for their image and competitiveness. 
Benefits of sustainability for companies 
Sustainability offers companies not only ecological but also strategic advantages. A strong commitment to sustainable practices significantly improves a company's image, as more and more consumers and business partners value environmental awareness. Companies that actively promote sustainability are seen as more trustworthy and can set themselves apart from their competitors.
Successful example of sustainable companies with signeer 
Traditionally, signing documents requires the use of paper, ink and transportation – a major burden on the environment. With digital signatures, companies can significantly reduce these resources. Documents are digitally created, distributed and signed, eliminating paper and transportation. This not only reduces CO₂ emissions, but also saves significant amounts of water, wood and energy. 

Our signeer platform offers a user-friendly, secure solution for digital signatures. With signeer, companies can make a further contribution to sustainability. The platform is GDPR compliant and easy to use, both on desktop and mobile.