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Online identification with qualified electronic signature

The software development company mesoneer and the credit management service provider and market leader in identification, Intrum, are launching a new joint solution called seal.ID for the identification of individuals in contract closures that require specific legal and regulatory requirements. This service now enables financial intermediaries (banks, securities dealers, life insurance companies) in Switzerland to electronically obtain a copy of the identification document, including a qualified electronic signature (QES), from customers in accordance with the Federal Act on Electronic Signatures (ZertES). The identification document with a QES is considered equivalent to an authenticated copy of the identification document according to the requirements of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) and serves for customer identification as per the applicable regulations of Swiss anti-money laundering legislation. Additionally, the financial intermediary can also sign all contracts with a QES, which is equivalent to a handwritten signature. One of the key features of seal.ID is its high degree of automation, as there is no longer a need for a reference bank transfer or proof of residence to identify the person, as was previously required. As a result, mesoneer and Intrum are the first companies in Switzerland to offer such a service that allows for the entire identification and signature process, including QES, not only with a passport but also with Swiss and foreign identity cards.

Versatile application for seal.ID

Several banks are already using seal.ID, for example, for customer onboarding, new services, digital contract signing, or re-identification. Through seal.ID, the bank receives a legally binding electronically signed contract with a signed copy of the customer's identification. In addition to the banking market, other applications are conceivable, such as electronic processing of rental and employment agreements, as well as vehicle leasing or rentals. Customers can easily prove their identity online at any time and sign contracts quickly, easily, and securely from anywhere, using any device. The new service is available on mesoneer's m_IDeal platform, which includes additional identification methods and signature services. With seal.ID, mesoneer and Intrum have already gained several banks as customers and now aim to further expand in the market.  

Legal foundations

When a natural person wants to digitally sign with a QES, they must first undergo the highest level of identification and then register with a recognized provider of certification services in Switzerland. The issuance of a QES is always based on a qualified certificate. Such certificates can only be issued by providers of certification services (CSPs) that have been recognized according to the provisions of the ZertES. For seal.ID, mesoneer and Intrum collaborate with Swisscom's subsidiary, Swisscom Trust Services. Individuals who wish to sign with a QES must present a passport or an identity card. After self-identification (ID scan, biometric face matching, and liveness detection) by the customer, an agent from Intrum performs a subsequent verification of the identification in the background. In the final step, the customer receives their qualified signature, which they use to sign the set of contracts, including the copy of their identification. Due to the high identification standard provided by seal.ID, the requirement for financial intermediaries to have a bank transfer and proof of residence becomes obsolete. Laborious and time-consuming subsequent processes are thus a thing of the past.

Results of a digital contract conclusion with seal.ID

  • Signed documents including identification copy (.pdf)
  • Signature report: Transaction evidence (.pdf)
  • Identification report from Intrum: Transaction evidence (.pdf)
  • Front and back photo of the ID card (.jpeg)
  • Selfie facial photo (.jpeg)
  • Process data: Personal information and ID data (.json / .xml / via API)

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